We have found that there are a lot of important "3's" in third grade.  The three branches of government and the three parts of the water cycle will be lessons in the future.  But for now, we are learning about the three types of writing;  narrative, informational and opinion writing and how to skip count by three to help with our multiplication facts.  
Ask your child to sing the three's to the tune of Jingle Bells.  Also, ask them about the differences between narrative and informational writing.  
I'm often asked,  "What should we be working on at home?"  I will always always always suggest reading at home.  It doesn't matter at what level your child reads, reading at home will help all children; out loud, to themselves, with a family member, to the dog, in the kitchen, in a boat, with a goat, YOU GET THE PICTURE....also any kind of text; grandma's recipes, mom's " how to build a doghouse" book, Sunday school lessons, Greatest Basketball Moments book, anything.

The next suggestion for something to do at home is count money, real money.  When grandpa is emptying his pocket change, when mom is counting out lunch money, when getting money for the concession stand at the ball game, any time is a good time to count money.  It helps with the obvious lessons on money but also with skip counting (multiplication) and you can even squeeze in a lesson or two about responsibility.  Our next math unit will focus on two digit addition and subtraction and counting money.

Speaking of money...Don't forget our Willard East "Write a check campaign"
.  Click here for more details.

FYI: Field Trip to the Frontier Theater will be 10/18/12!
 (permission slip will be coming home soon)